
Invitation letter - Contichrom continuous stream technology seminar & training in 2019


Contichrom continuous flow tomography technology, which can run a variety of chromatographic mode, such as the standard batch process, the Capture SMB, MCSGP, N - Rich and so on, implements the chromatography technology with chromatography system the perfect combination of software and hardware design, make the equipment cheaper, simpler structure, higher product yield, and can make the chromatographic packing, such as buffer greatly save costs.

Beijing huideyi has set up Beijing laboratory & training center in Beijing changping life science park in 2017, and has successfully held several continuous flow technology training courses. At the request of customers in east China, huedeyi will hold the continuous flow technology seminar & training in zhangjiang high-tech park, pudong new area, Shanghai from July 10 to 12, 2019.

The schedule

2019.07.10: seminar on continuous flow technology.

2019.07.11: CaptureSMB principle and function demonstration (training session Day 1).

2019.07.12: MCSGP, n-rich principle and function demonstration (training session Day 2).

To attend that

1. Participants may choose to attend only the seminar or both. There are only a few places available for the training session.

2. Venue: building 2, no.88 chenhui road, zhangjiang high-tech park, pudong new area, Shanghai

3. Registration contact: hu tengyue

Phone: 13910324470


QQ: 3001230641

* https://www.chromacon.com/en/news/continuous-chromatography-workshop-shanghai-2019

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