According to the general understanding, cannabis is not only a drug, but also a drug that is included in the restricted use by the United Nations Commission on narcotic drugs. In fact, marijuana can be divided into industrial marijuana, drug marijuana and intermediate marijuana. The industrial hemp is called hemp in our country. At present, the hemp widely used at home and abroad is industrial hemp. The main difference between these varieties is the content of THC (tetrahydrocannabinoid), the psychoactive ingredient. THC has a hallucinogenic effect. EU standard is mainly adopted in the world (China also adopts this standard), as shown in the figure below.
As an ancient economic crop, industrial marijuana has attracted much attention, mainly due to the discovery of more high-value applications of industrial marijuana in medicine and food industry in recent years.
In addition to the harm of THC in industrial marijuana, the chemical component called cannabidiol is of great concern. It is an antioxidant and neuroprotective agent, which can relieve anxiety, pain, inflammation and be used to treat epilepsy. CBD also has the functions of anti fatigue, anti-oxidation, improving learning and memory, neuroprotection and reducing intestinal peristalsis. It can be used to treat multiple arteriosclerosis and Parkinson's disease, prevent myocardial infarction, inhibit glioma cell metastasis, etc. Moreover, the most valuable thing is that CBD is not addictive. Therefore, the quality of industrial cannabis varieties can also be directly judged by the level of CBD content.
In addition, CBD can be used to produce health products, food and skin care products. In recent two years, electronic cigarettes, which are popular, also contain CBD components. In September 2018, Coca Cola announced plans to launch a drink containing CBD in cooperation with Aurora cannabis Inc, a Canadian licensed cannabis producer.
In addition to the CBD of Jingui, the fibers, seeds and stalks of industrial marijuana are of high economic use value, which can be legally planted and industrialized for development and utilization after approval. They are widely used in papermaking, textile, building materials, industrial oil, functional health food, cosmetics, medicine and other industries.
In 2018, waters presented a spectrum of 16 components of marijuana analyzed by HPLC:
Column:Cortecs Shield RP18, 2.7μm 4.6mm×150mm
Flow:2.0 ml/min
Mobile phase : A(water with 0.1%TFA)/ B(acetonitrile)=41/59
Figure 1. 16 cannabis related components
In 2019, waters continued to present a spectrum of 16 components of marijuana analyzed by UPLC:
Column:Cortecs UPLC Shield RP18, 90A 1.6μm 2.1mm×100mm
Flow:0.7 ml/min
Mobile phase : A(water with 0.1%TFA)/ B(acetonitrile)=41/59
圖2. 16種大麻相關(guān)組分
Our company, Huide Yi, is familiar with the performance of various fillers and resins, and has more than ten years of experience in separation and purification. With the establishment of Xi'an Application Laboratory in 2018, we can respond to customers' needs faster and develop the most suitable production process for you. At the same time, we have equipment from small-scale test to production for customers to choose and try, which is your one-stop service platform. With regard to CBD technology, we have started to invest in R & D and master the first-hand experimental details. Waiting for your consultation and discussion!